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Welcome to Blueprint

Building Blocks for Your Web Components


Blueprint is a component-driven library designed to provide comprehensive guidance on building and using web components. It offers documentation, suggestions, and best practices, with a strong emphasis on accessibility.

Each component in Blueprint comes with detailed documentation that includes examples of how the component can be constructed and best practices to consider when using it. This makes it easy for developers to understand how to use the components in their own projects. In addition, we provide the compiled HTML of each component, allowing developers to simply copy and paste the code into their own projects if desired.

One of the key features of Blueprint is its platform agnosticism. Despite being built in Astro, the components and practices outlined in Blueprint are applicable across a variety of platforms, including React, WordPress, Craft, Django, and more. This means that no matter what platform you’re working on, you can draw from the Blueprint documentation to construct and use these components effectively.


Future Plans

The Blueprint library is still in its early stages, and we have plans to continue expanding the library with more components, examples, and best practices as we go. We are also hoping to include more code examples for different platforms, including React, Craft, and Django. If you have any suggestions or examples for components or features you’d like to see in Blueprint, please feel free to open an issue on GitHub.